Friday, June 19, 2015

My Blank Screen

I think I'm overdue for starting my own blog. It certainly isn't because I think I'll quickly (or ever) get a lot of followers, resulting in tons of side income that'll allow me to just write for a living.

My goal is to write on a regular basis about anything. No specific topics, and "regular basis" is yet to be defined firmly. I'd like to eventually post daily, but weekly is my initial goal.

What do I hope to accomplish by doing this? There are a few things that come to mind:
  1. Have a forum to write on my behalf, not on my employer's. I find that I have fewer things I want to write about for my employer than I do for myself. I do realize anything I say here can, and will, be held against me if someone feels like it.
  2. Improve efficiency of my writing. By simply writing more, it's more practice and more output to learn from.
  3. Force myself to put thoughts into public. It's easy to write emails to a limited audience, or post to limited networks via social platforms like Yammer, Hipchat, or Slack. But throwing ideas out there for anyone to see (eventually) is different for me. I'd like to get more comfortable at that.
I just need to make sure I don't give myself excuses for not doing this. There are no shortage of topics. I can make the time (i.e. each post doesn't need to take me an hour). Don't worry about writing garbage, because it'll happen.

Fred Wilson wrote about his process and challenges of posting daily. I'm not on his level at all, but it's interesting and inspiring to see a regular, high-quality blogger talk about his challenges doing this also.

It'll be interesting to see what else comes of this. Step one, hit "Publish" on this one.

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